Lists, segments and forms


Liste d'abonnés

Lists are groups of subscribers.

Each subscriber is identified by:

  • an email address (a given email address cannot appear more than once in a list)
  • a set of properties (e.g., First Name, Last Name, Language, Profession)
  • one of the following statuses: subscribed, unsubscribed, deleted.

An "errors" column displays how many times sending an email to the corresponding email address has resulted in an error (or a "bounce"). When a given email address reaches three errors, it's automatically deactivated. This will help you keep your lists clean and up to date.

Additionally, each subscriber is of either of these types:

  • Personal email address: one person
  • Group: a mailing list or group. These groups are automatically expanded and all the members of the group are added to your list. For privacy reasons, you cannot see the full list of subscribers linked to this group, but each one of them will receive and individual email and will be able to unsubscribe individually. Groups are dynamically updated once a day.
  • Moderated group: Identical to the groups above, but when sending a campaign to moderated groups, a set of group moderators will have to approve (or decline) the e-mail being sent.


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A segment is a dynamic portion of a list.

Each segment is defined by one or more criteria, such as:

  • the email address contains “”
  • the email address does not contain “”
  • the job title is “computer scientist”
  • the language is "FR"

These criteria can be combined using logical operators (AND, OR).

Because segments are dynamic, if you add subscribers to your list, the segments are updated in real time.

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Subscription forms

Subscription form

You can also define forms that are linked to your lists.

Forms automatically capture the properties of subscribers (First Name, Last Name, Job, etc.) included in your list. You can also select which properties you wish to include and in which order, etc.

You can then display the form on your unit or lab’s website. Each time a user signs up using the form, they will automatically be inserted into the associated subscriber list.

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