Frequently asked questions

Browse through our FAQ section which answers many user questions about the tool's capabilities.

Yes, this is possible for all three types of buttons available:

Text module button:
Three sizes to choose from (large, medium, small) and all colours of the graphic chart are available. (…)

Calendar event button:
Three sizes to choose from (large, medium, small) and all colours of the graphic chart are available. (...)

Download button:
The "Download" block allows you to upload a document and display a button to download it. (...)

These are the names of the colours of the EPFL graphic guidelines.

Couleurs de la charte graphique EPFL
Couleurs de la charte graphique EPFL

You can create a subscription form and embed it on an external site (your laboratory, unit, blog, etc.). Users subscribing to your newsletter via these forms will be directly added to the list associated with the form. (…)

Depending on the team(s) you are part of, a theme selector allows you to change some visual properties of the newsletter. There are currently only two themes: EPFL default (with a white column below the logo) and Full Width (without the white column below the logo). (…)

Unfortunately, you need to create two separate lists of subscribers and send your newsletter in two batches.

This is not possible for compatibility reasons on almost all mail clients but you can include a link to your video on a thumbnail and use the play pictogram.

Free website to add a pictogram to an image:

Download the pictogram file:

Icon video-play.png (534 bytes)


You can use the signature block.

Depending on the team(s) you are part of, a theme selector allows you to change some visual properties of the newsletter. There are currently only two themes: EPFL default (with a white column below the logo) and Full Width (without the white column below the logo). (…)

The EPFL SMTP server requires that the "From" address used for sending be a generic address: "".

The e-mail address entered in the "Reply to e-mail address" field will not be visible to the recipients and will only serve as a "ReplyTo" address.

In other words, if the subscribers reply to the e-mail received, the recipient will be the address you set. (...)

💡 Add a contact address in the body of the message.

Don't panic! You have probably edited your newsletter in another language than the one currently displayed. Just switch to the other language and everything should reappear. (…)

This is a recurring problem and difficult to fix so that the result is consistent and satisfactory both in the text editor of the tool, on the html page of the newsletter and ultimately on all mail clients.
Keep in mind that the most important thing is the result in the recipients' mailboxes.

  • Use the styles proposed in the text editor (normal, title 1, 2, etc.) and do not import formatting from other applications (Word, Outlook, etc.)
  • To paste text without formatting: cmd + shift + v (Mac) ctrl + shift + v (PC).

💡 Have a look at the caniemail site which lists compatibility on the main mail clients.

You will find below all the layout possibilities offered by the tool:

Component test


UTM parameters are embedded in your newsletter links

A UTM parameter, also called a campaign parameter or UTM code, is a string of text at the end of a website link. These codes allow Google Analytics (or other analytics platforms) to track website users who come from different sources or channels. Campaign parameters also give marketers the ability to track details about the specific campaign, such as the copy or images they used.

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