
The header block contains the EPFL logo and, as an option, the name of the lab or group sending the newsletter.
If you enter the URL for the lab or group, its name will become a link.
You can also add a second logo (with its own link) which will be displayed instead of the name of the lab (for example if you are partnering with another group).

Editing the header plugin

- Mode (required): chose between the "normal" mode with a logo on the left, and the section or entity on the right side, or the "Wide logo" mode with a wireframe logo and the section or entity underneath.
- Name of section or entity (optional): displayed on the right-hand side or underneath the logo.
- URL (optional): adds a link on the name of the section or entity
- Alternative logo (optional): replaces the name of the section or entity with a second uploadable logo
- URL for the alternative logo (optional): adds a link on the alt. logo.
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