News, Memento and RSS feed

The "News, Memento and RSS feed" plugin displays a list of events, news or articles from:
- An EPFL Mememento (e.g.
- An EPFL News page (e.g
- A generic RSS feed (e.g.
REM: The events that are shown in the newsletter are updated from the feed dynamically every 5 minutes. The items that will be shown in the newsletter are thus those present in the feed at the moment the newsletter is sent. Keep this in mind if you schedule your campaign to be sent in the future.
Editing the block

- URL of the feed (required): In the case of an EPFL Memento or News feed, please paste the URL of the actual Memento or News page (e.g. For generic RSS feeds, simply paste its URL.
- Number of items (required): limits the number of items from the feed that are shown in the newsletter. In case of a Memento feed, it'll be the N upcoming events. In case of an RSS feed, it'll take the N latest published articles.
- Include images: In the case of a Memento or News feed only, display the thumbnail from the event or article with each item.
- Display article dates: when they are published by the source feed, include start- and end-dates, publication dates and venue information
- Display article contents: when they are published by the source feed, include an excerpt of 160 characters with each item
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