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Doctoral School


July 2024


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PhD Capsule

News and events of the Doctoral School


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Summer | A good time to take a break

The summer break is the perfect time for most of us to relax. We encourage you to take advantage of this period and take some time off to rest, recharge your batteries and come back in great shape. Don't forget to plan and register your holidays for the rest of 2024 on

The Doctoral School wishes you a wonderful summer!

Academic calendar | Changes to the 2024 autumn semester

As you probably already know, a week's holiday has been introduced for the next autumn semester, from 21-25 October 2024. In order to maintain a 14-week semester, the start of the academic year has been brought forward by one week, which means that the next academic year will begin on 9 September 2024. This week's holiday in the middle of the semester will provide a much-welcomed respite during a busy period. 

Transversal Skills Course | Sustainability in my research

A new EDOC transversal skills course entitled Sustainability in my research (ENG-650) has been announced recently. This course is designed to develop the necessary transversal skills to foster sustainability integration in the present and future research of the PhD candidates. It will be organised once a year. The dates of the next session are now known. If you want to take part, don't hesitate to sign up! In-person attendance to sessions is key.

Dates of the in-person sessions:

  • September 12, 2024 
  • September 30, 2024
  • October 1, 2024 
  • December 3, 2024 

Course language: English | Credits: 2 | Seats available: 12

Teachers: Grazioli Jacopo, Miani Juliane, Mélo Michka Sylvain, Suris Miret Joan

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Transversal skills course | Create-Protect-Innovate: Bringing ideas to market

The online course "Create – Protect – Innovate: Bringing ideas to market" (ENG-645) developed by the European Patent Office is available for the second time to EPFL PhD candidates; and will teach you how to protect inventions and bring them to market as well as provide you with valuable insights into the world of innovation. The course offers you unique opportunities to follow inventors' real-life stories, understand why and how they patent their inventions and learn how intellectual property rights (IPRs) can be integrated into business strategies. The course consists of five self-paced modules with a variety of resources and interactive educational elements; a unique platform and a tutored forum. In addition, live interactive sessions will be held online. For each of these sessions students can opt for one of the two available dates.

Dates of the course: from November 4, 2024 to February 21, 2025

Dates of the live sessions: 

  • November 11 or 13, 2024 
  • November 25 or 27, 2024
  • December 9 or 11, 2024

Registration period: from October 1 to October 31, 2024

Course language: English | Credits: 2 

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Transversal skills course | EuroTeQ online courses

You have a new opportunity to add an extra international element to your education by enrolling in online courses offered by the EuroTeQ Engineering University, a unique network of eight leading universities of science and technology, spread across Europe, situated in innovation eco-systems and with great collaboration experience. Visit the EuroTeQ course catalogue and register before July 29, 2024.

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EPFL - ETHZ Summer schools Call for projects in 2025

Are you interested in organizing a summer school to explore a topic that you find important? Here is an opportunity to obtain funding of up to CHF 20'000 and organize your own summer school in 2025, together with your colleagues from ETH Zürich. The program aims to foster exchange between EPFL and ETH Zürich students, targeting primarily their doctoral candidates. Selected programs will be equivalent to 1 or 2 ECTS credits. Proposals are due by October 1, 2024. 

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Career | Cyber-defence (CYD) Fellowships

To promote research and education in cyber-defence, the EPFL and the Cyber-Defence (CYD) Campus have jointly launched the “CYD Fellowships – A Talent Program for Cyber-Defence Research.” The tenth call for proposals is now open with a rolling call for six-month CYD Master Thesis Fellowships (living allowance and research funds); four-year (with a possible one-year extension) CYD Doctoral Fellowships (salary and research and conference funds); up to two-year CYD Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowships (salary and research and conference funds) with an application deadline of August 15, 2024 (17:00 CEST). In addition, a 12 months CYD Proof of concept Fellowship program is also now available via an open rolling call.

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Award | Rebekah Wells receives the 2024 Lopez-Loreta Prize

Congratulations to Rebekah Wells, this year's laureate of the €1 million Lopez-Loreta Foundation prize, and best wishes for the success of her research programme!
After completing her PhD in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at EPFL in 2022, Rebekah joined the EDOC team where she made a major contribution to the evaluation of doctoral programmes and the management of EPFL's PhD Excellence Programme. Since January 2024, she is a SNSF postdoctoral researcher at Trinity College Dublin where she launches her research programme on chiral 2D nanomaterials thanks to a €1M grant from the Lopez-Loreta Foundation. The aim of her work is to design and develop next generation electronic and optoelectronic devices in order to address major global challenges, such as climate change, renewable energy, and health care.

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Doctoral program Directors | Appointments

Prof. Esther Amstad has been appointed Director of the doctoral program in Materials Science and Engineering (EDMX) for a mandate from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2028.

We thank you for your commitment and wish you and your colleagues every success in running your program.




Annual outing SAC-EDOC Teams

For the traditional annual outing of the SAC and EDOC teams, this year we headed to Sion to discover the EPFL Valais and the HES-SO Valais campuses. 
We learned a lot about the campus history, the activities of the laboratories and had an overview of the future development plans of EPFL Valais. We also had the privilege of visiting some of the new state-of-the-art infrastructure. Doctoral candidate Daniel Biner (EDEY) gave us an insight into the activities of the Hydro Laboratory, while Véronique Amstutz, Senior Academic Associate HES, and doctoral candidate Hugo Fleuriot-Blitman (EDCH) guided us through the activities of the Biotechnology & Sustainable Chemistry Lab of the Institute of Life Sciences. 

Our warmest thanks to everyone for the organisation, the welcome, the various presentations and your participation that made this day so rich in exchanges!

©2024 EPFL
The SAC & EDOC team at EPFL Campus Valais

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by visiting the Doctoral School's "News & Events" website or subscribe to the EDOC News channel and Memento.
